The Cocktail Hour
from $1495
Based on 30 guests
additional charges applied for more than 30 guests and extra service time​ added
+ Travel to and from your venue
within 20km radius
+ Hire of The Wandering Gypsy
+ Qualified RSA Cocktail Staff
+ Set-up prior to service
+ Pack-down after service
+ 3 hours service
+ Cocktail glassware​
+ Cocktail garnishes
in season fruits to match cocktail selection
+ Cocktail mixers
+ Water station
+ Ice
+ All bar tools and service equipment
+ Assistance with Cocktail selection and quantities required
+ BYO Alcohol & Beverages
Raise Your Glass!
from $1995
Based on 50 guests
additional charges applied for more than 50 guests and extra service time​ added
+ Travel to and from your venue
within 20km radius
+ Hire of The Wandering Gypsy
+ Qualified RSA Staff
+ Set-up prior to service
+ Pack-down after service
+ 5 hours service
+ All glassware
+ All barware & service equipment
+ Ice
+ Water station
+ BYO beverages of your choice
+ Assistance with beverage selection and quantities required
from $2495
Based on 100 guests
additional charges applied for more than 100 guests and extra service time​ added
+ Travel to and from your venue
within 20km radius
+ Hire of The Wandering Gypsy
+ Qualified RSA Staff
+ Set-up prior to service
+ Pack-down after service
+ 7 hours service
+ All glassware
+ All barware & service equipment
+ Ice
+ Water station
+ BYO beverages of your choice
+ Assistance with beverage selection and quantities required​
If your venue already has the RSA bar staff and glassware covered, then our dry hire option is for you.
Your venue staff can serve you and your guests directly from The Wandering Gypsy.
We will deliver her & pick her up from your venue within our 20km radius.
We do not currently offer our dry hire option outside the The Hunter Valley.
With our dry hire option, you have the freedom to style her anyway you wish.
Styling, glassware and bar tools are not included in our dry hire.
Your venue's qualified RSA staff are the only staff to work from TWG.